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Vine Tree Primary School in the UK, wants to reach out to children around the world. We'd like to find out what life and education is like where you are, and to tell you what it's like to grow up in Crewe, Cheshire.

This is a repository of hints and tips.
Being a place for members of the JISC Curriculum Champions list to share things...
Herein will be thoughts on using Moodle in particular (and VLEs in general) to good effect in the presentation of learning.
Having difficulty finding links & resources for your subject? Try here.
Resources for job interviews and job hunting records
Find your way around with a map and compass...

Resources for those providing pastoral support to students, primarily 16-19 (as that is the age group I am most familar with...)

Online repository for Christine's schoolwork.
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e-learning resources and more 

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